40th Anniversary Picnic
July 27th 2010 was the anniversary of the first ever performance by the company and, to celebrate, former members of the company (and some partners) met for a picnic at the old theatre site in Roath Park on Saturday 31st July.
Some came from York, london, the Midlands and the Mumbles to meet up with old friends. Many would like to have been there but simply couldn't make it. We were few but it was immensely enjoyable.
Shan Edryd, Eluned Hawkins, Stephen Lyons & Stevie Parry
(Background) Margaret Tudor & Rose Sigel
Roger Nott, Sharon Morgan, Olwen Rees, Ken Randle
(Foreground) Eluned Hawkins
Frank Lincoln & Michael Kelligan
Fiona Lincoln & Johnny Tudor
(Background) Frank Lincoln & Michael Kelligan
Rose Sigel (sitting), Margaret Tudor, Stevie Parry, Paul Beech & Shan Edryd
Stevie Parry, Olwen Rees, Eluned Hawkins, Roger Nott, Helen Cleaves, Sharon Morgan
Paul Beech & Richard Berry
Eluned Hawkins, Shan Edryd & Fiona Lincoln
Margaret Tudor, Sharon Morgan, Rose Sigel & Frank Lincoln
Ann Prior, Olwen Rees & John Prior
Paul Beech
Helen Cleaves & daughter Sarah (they made the cake)
(Back Row) Eluned Hawkins, Stevie Parry, Paul Beech, Richard Berry, Stephen Lyons,Frank Lincoln, Rob Page, Ann Prior & John Prior
(Middle) Ken Randle, Michael Kelligan, Rose Sigel, Olwen Rees, Helen Cleaves, Fiona Lincoln, Sharon Morgan, Margaret Tudor, Shan Edryd
(Front) Roger Nott & Phil Amos